Thursday, June 13, 2013

Success for Hickory Flat Elementary, 5th Grade Class

Press Release
Submission Date: June 13, 2013

Release Date:  For Immediate Release

Contact: J.D. Hardin, 770-957-5107 ext. 608,          
(Release # 0081-6-13)
Calculated Success
Calculated Success for Hickory Flat Elementary, 5th Grade Class

HENRY COUNTY, GA – Numbers and the equations they populate can produce mind-blowing figures and results.  So when you show that you are first out of 4,326 teams statewide, or eighth out of 91,282 teams nationwide, a person doing the quick math should recognize several zeroes after the decimal point when tallying what percentage your ranking falls into.

One class in particular at Hickory Flat Elementary could tell you exactly what that percentage is as they lay claim to the top team in Georgia and the eighth best team in the nation in the First in Math program.

Quark66ga, as Sharif Muhammad’s class is known in the online math program, was recognized in May by national representatives from First in Math‘s regional representative company, Hart, Inc., and 24 Game, which is a partner program with First in Math.  Both First in Math and 24 Game were founded by Robert Sun of Suntex International Inc.

What is even more amazing is that every student in Muhammad’s 5th grade all-male class solved an average of 30,000 math problems correctly to earn digital ‘stickers’ along the way.  

As for Muhammad, he was recognized as the 3rd ranked teacher in Georgia competing in the First in Math program, and Hickory Flat Elementary was ranked 2nd in the state for the same program competition.  As a school, the digital stickers earned by students meant that 7,500 math problems were correctly solved on average by each student.

“I am so proud of all the hard work the students and teachers have done,” said Principal Paula Crumbley.  “Their accomplishments this past school year prove that hard work equals success.”

While it may sound like fun and games, that is exactly what makes it so unique.  Students are learning content in a dynamic way, and the First in Math program provides an engaging and exciting platform for students to improve and increase their math skills.  The dividends for each student are quite large and promising.

Bret Eaker, a representative with Hart, Inc., said, “With the mastery of their basic math skills through practice and persistence, these students are ready to tackle Algebra and higher-order math skills to prepare them for their future endeavors.”

For more information on Hickory Flat Elementary, please visit